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There are two aspects to permissions in AWS:

  • Deployment Permissions: A broadly scoped set of permissions for the user or role that will be deploying the application.
  • Runtime Permissions: A more granular set of permissions that the deployed application will need to function correctly.

Deployment Permissions

To deploy your application using Scaffoldly, you need to grant the necessary permissions to the AWS user or role that will be executing the deployment. You can generate the required permissions by running the following command:

npx scaffoldly show permissions
  1. Create a new IAM user in AWS with the necessary permissions (npx scaffoldly show permissions).
  2. Create an Access Key and Secret Access Key.
  3. Run aws configure (or set the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) environment variables in your terminal.

See: AWS Config and Credentials File

Runtime Permissions

The deployment role will create the necessary resources (like Lambda functions, API Gateway, etc.) with a dedicated role for each application. However, you may need to add additional permissions to your deployed application depending on its functionality. For example, if your application needs to access an S3 bucket or a DynamoDB table, you will need to specify those permissions in your IAM policy.

The IAM role (identity) for the Application that is created is in the output of the deployment command:

npx scaffoldly deploy

# ... snip ...

🚀 Deployment Complete!
🆔 App Identity: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/some-role-name-SomeRandomId

Authentication Methods

Scaffoldly relies exclusively on AWS environment variables for authentication. This ensures a consistent experience with the AWS CLI and other tooling.

Scaffoldly uses the AWS Javascript v3 SDK.

AWS Config and Credentials File

See also: Deployment Permissions

Scaffoldly supports any credentials specified in the ~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials files. If you have the AWS CLI installed and configured, Scaffoldly will automatically use the credentials stored in these files.


If using multiple AWS profiles, or aws sso, you can specify which profile to use by setting the AWS_PROFILE environment variable.

Access Keys

Scaffoldly supports the usage AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and optionally AWS_SESSION_TOKEN.

These are the most common method for authenticating with AWS. You can set these environment variables in your terminal or CI/CD environment.

IAM Roles

Scaffoldly supports the usage of AWS_ROLE_ARN, AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE, AWS_ROLE_SESSION_NAME, and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN environment variables for IAM roles with web identity federation.

Trust Relationships

When using IAM roles, ensure that the trust relationship is correctly configured to allow the necessary services (like GitHub Actions) to assume the role.

GitHub Actions

In the Scaffoldly GitHub Action, AWS_ROLE_ARN is the only needed environment variable. The GitHub Action will automatically exchange the id-token: write permission for a the AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE and AWS_ROLE_SESSION_NAME variables if they have not already been provided.

  1. See the documentation for GitHub Authentication to AWS for more information on configuring IAM roles for GitHub Actions.
  2. Specify the Role ARN in your GitHub Action with the AWS_ROLE_ARN environment variable.
Example Trust Relationship
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Federated": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:oidc-provider/"
"Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity",
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"": "repo:your-github-username/your-repo-name:*"

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