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CDNs and Custom Domains

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a system of distributed servers that deliver web content to a user based on their geographic location. CDNs help improve the performance, reliability, and security of your web applications by caching content closer to users.

Scaffoldly has been tested with the following CDN providers:

  • Cloudflare: A popular CDN that offers a wide range of features, including DDoS protection, SSL support, and a global network of servers.
  • AWS CloudFront: Amazon's CDN service that integrates seamlessly with other AWS services, providing low-latency content delivery.


To set up Cloudflare as your CDN, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Cloudflare account and add your domain.

  2. Update your domain's DNS settings to point to Cloudflare's nameservers.

  3. Configure your Cloudflare settings, including caching rules, SSL settings, and security features.

  4. Create a new "Worker" in Cloudflare with the following code:

    Cloudflare Worker
    addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {

    async function handleRequest(request) {
    const url = new URL(request.url);
    // your Lambda URL goes here
    url.hostname = '';
    const response = await fetch(url, request);
    return response;
  5. Navigate to Settings for the Worker

  6. Add the desired Custom Domain

  7. Set the Route to match your desired path (e.g.,*).

Please refer to Cloudflare's documentation for more details on configuring Workers and other features.


To set up AWS CloudFront as your CDN, follow these steps:

  1. Create a CloudFront distribution in the AWS Management Console.
  2. Set the Origin Domain Name to your Lambda function's URL (e.g.,
  3. Configure the distribution settings, including caching behavior, SSL settings, and custom error pages.
  4. Once the distribution is created, note the CloudFront URL provided.
  5. Update your domain's DNS settings to point to the CloudFront distribution.
    • If you're using Route 53, create an ALIAS record that points to the CloudFront distribution.
    • If you're using another DNS provider, update the CNAME record to point to the CloudFront URL.

For more information on configuring CloudFront, refer to the AWS CloudFront documentation.

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